Champion Leccy's take on the Harmonic Percolator
Champion Leccy The Divvy
The Divvy is a Harmonic Percolator with two knobs and a three way voice switch. It is handmade in Philadelphia and is super simple but devastatingly effective.
Current Draw
What is the Divvy?
It’s a fuzz/ crunch pedal.
Is this the one that Rocktar Fuzz came from?
Yes. It’s not exactly the same, but it’s very close to it. The Rocktar was a simplified version of the Divvy. If the Rocktar sound is what you’re trying to recreate, just whack the voice switch to the right, and keep the volume around noonish.
Is the Divvy back to stay?
I think so! We originally discontinued it because it was impossible to keep up with demand of the other more wibbly pedals, so we decided to focus on those at the time. We’ve managed to expand a little, so I felt it was time to bring back the Divvy (and the Fettle Boost). As long as we can keep up with everything else, there’s no reason why we won’t have these available too.
The Lowdown From
Team Machine
Lovely and sparkly at lower gain but turn it up it gets nasty very quickly!
The Need To
Know Stuff...
Do you ship to my country?
Most likely, but if we don’t please ask us and we might be able to.
How much is shipping?
Shipping is free in the UK over £199 and for other amounts and deliveries outside the UK, the price calculated at checkout.
When are you going to get the item I want back in stock?
Just click the ’email me’ link at the bottom of the item and we’ll add you to the waitlist.
Do you accept trade-ins?
Yes, from time to time. Send us an email using the ‘Sell Us Your Gear’ clickable link on the red banner at the top of the website homepage.
I'm stuck! and not sure what I need...
Drop us an email or why not try the Random Gear Generator!
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